Healthcare News
Mayo Clinic Q and A: Help with sports injuries
Young athletes get plenty of bumps and bruises, but how can they avoid injuries? Any advice on how long they should sit out before getting back on the field or in the game?
Conversion of Elbow Arthrodesis to Total Elbow Arthroplasty: A Case Report and Literature Review
Elbow arthrodesis is a salvage operation designed to relieve pain and enable weight bearing in young patients with painful arthritic joints who have failed all other treatment modalities. Unfortunately, elbow arthrodesis is poorly tolerated by many patients because there is no fusion position that accommodates all activities of daily living. As indications for elbow arthroplasty expand and implant design improves, patients living with elbow arthrodesis may seek conversion to arthroplasty to regain a functional range of motion.
About half of nonsurgically managed posterior glenohumeral instability cases failed
About half of patients who underwent 6 months of nonoperative management for isolated posterior glenohumeral instability required arthroscopic stabilization, according to a presentation.
Causes of Wrist Cracking and Popping
Popping and cracking in your wrist (also known as crepitus) can be an uncomfortable sensation that arises during many of your daily activities. Unfortunately, the origins of this joint noise are not always clear-cut.
12 causes of shoulder pain and treatment options
Shoulder pain can range from mild to severe and can come on suddenly or build up over time. Shoulder pain causes include fractures, tissue inflammation or tears, joint or ligament instability, and arthritis.