Healthcare News
Study of Former NFL Players Shows Race Differences in Chronic Pain
The study, of nearly 4,000 former National Football League (NFL) players, found that Black men reported more intense, more debilitating pain than their white counterparts.
Repetitive Pitching Decreases the Elbow Valgus Stability Provided by the Flexor-Pronator Mass: The Effects of Repetitive Pitching on Elbow Valgus Stability
Baseball pitching induces a large elbow valgus load, stressing the ulnar collateral ligament. Flexor-pronator mass contraction contributes to valgus stability; however, repetitive baseball pitching may weaken the flexor-pronator mass contractile function. The present study investigated the effects of repetitive baseball pitching on the medial valgus stability measured using ultrasonography.
How Depression Affects Hand And Arm Symptoms
Studies have shown that 1 in 8 patients who see a hand surgeon have symptoms of depression. This means that many patients can have hand issues and depression at the same time.
Achilles Tendon Rupture Test: Diagnosis and Treatment
The Achilles tendon connects the calf muscles to the heel bone, also known as the calcaneus. If the Achilles tendon ruptures, a specific test can be done — the Achilles tendon rupture test, also called the Thompson test or calf squeeze test. Since the Achilles tendon is essential for walking and running, a tear necessitates starting treatment as soon as possible.
Common to Serious Arm Pain Causes
Arm pain can be in the upper or lower arm. You may feel arm pain on the outside of your shoulder. Arm pain can also travel further down the arm toward the elbow.