Healthcare News
Causes of Bottom of Foot Pain and Treatments
Your feet are vital shock absorbers. The bottom of your foot strikes the ground with every step. When it hurts, the pain can really disrupt your life.
An Overview of Shoulder Blade Pain
Shoulder blade pain doesn't always have an obvious cause. It can be a symptom of something serious like a heart attack or lung cancer. Or maybe you slept on it wrong or have poor posture at the computer.
What to know about tendinitis
Tendinitis — also known as tendonitis — is the inflammation of a tendon. It usually happens when a person overuses or injures a tendon during physical activity.
Palmaris or hamstring tendon graft for UCL reconstruction?
According to a new systematic literature review, patients who receive palmaris grafts are slightly more likely to return to sport or return-to-same level than patients who had received hamstring tendon grafts.
Mid-term results of the Latitude primary total elbow arthroplasty
The Latitude total elbow prosthesis is a third-generation implant, developed to restore the natural anatomy of the elbow. Literature on this prosthesis is scarce. Aim of this study is to analyze the mid-term results of the Latitude total elbow prosthesis.