Healthcare News

  • Management of a Humeral Shaft Non-union with Concomitant Rotator Cuff Tear Arthropathy

    In this article, we describe the unique presentation of an 83-year-old, right-hand dominant male with severe right arm dysfunction secondary to a humeral shaft non-union in the setting of ipsilateral CTA. The case highlights the options for, and difficulty in, managing these concomitant pathologies in a medically frail individual who has lost meaningful upper extremity function and independence because of this injury.

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  • 7 hand exercises for carpal tunnel syndrome with pictures

    Carpal tunnel syndrome involves the compression of the median nerve in the wrist, which can cause pain and numbness in the hand. Certain hand exercises can help relieve pressure on the median nerve and alleviate symptoms.

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  • Common causes and treatments for a separated shoulder

    A shoulder separation is an injury to the acromioclavicular joint on the top of the shoulder. The shoulder joint is formed at the junction of three bones: the collarbone (clavicle), the shoulder blade (scapula), and the arm bone (humerus). A shoulder separation occurs where the clavicle and the scapula come together.

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  • 5 Options for Knee Cartilage Replacement and Repair

    Advances in orthopedic medicine provide many options for treating knee injuries. Some long-standing approaches include surgery to repair torn cartilage or knee joint replacement. In addition to these, there are now minimally invasive treatments using cartilage taken from elsewhere in the body or regenerated from a person’s own cells.

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  • How you hold your bat, determines your risk of injury

    The use of the palmar hamate grip may increase the risk of hook of the hamate fracture in National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I baseball players, according to new research.

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